How Puppets Can Help People With Mental And Emotional Issues

Do you know someone who suffers from dementia, depression or just the mind altering effects that come with aging? Chances are, you do and, for many of us, knowing the best way to help them can be challenging. With so many medical and pharmaceutical solutions available, each with their own potential side effects, it would be nice to find a way to ease our loved ones symptoms that won’t create new issues and new symptoms to deal with.

     There are almost 50 million people worldwide living with dementia and many more struggling with depression. While the medical community focuses on finding a cure, we are left with finding ways to make them feel more comfortable and give them some positivity in their lives. This might seem impossible, but with the help of Pup-Etts, it isn’t.

     Using beautifully designed, hand-made puppets as therapy tools, we can provide a wide range of benefits for those suffering from dementia, depression and many other emotional and psychology issues. Let’s take a look at some of the ways puppets can help people with mental and emotional issues:

Ways Puppets Can Help People With Mental And Emotional Issues

Boost self-esteem- puppets can help increase a patient’s self-esteem by creating a relationship with the puppet that becomes who they see themselves as. Their personality comes out through the puppet and they will become better able to express themselves if they are doing so through the puppet.

Stimulate memories-  puppets can help stimulate memories in Alzheimer’s or dementia patients. This is done when the patient uses the puppet to create a personality either of themselves or of a loved one. Then, they will begin to act out scenes with the puppets that can actually stimulate the memory and help them relive moments in their past.

Strengthen bonds- sometimes, we don’t say what we truly feel and many people can do this through the use of a puppet because they feel that it protects their inner self and lets them show their true feelings. Puppet therapy can also be used with patients who have a difficult time remembering family members as the family members can become a character in the patient’s “scene” and communicate with their loved one as if they were reliving a conversation from the past.

Convey emotion- for many dementia or Alzheimer’s patients it can be difficult to convey their emotions effectively. Emotions such as happiness, anger, sadness and distress can be expressed in an easier manner through the use of puppets.

To learn more about how puppets can be used as a therapy tool, contact Pup-Etts today!

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